Animated Bible Stories:

Letters from the first century

God’s Promises:Do You Believe Them?
Robert Westheimer Robert Westheimer

God’s Promises:Do You Believe Them?

In this time of mourning Moses’ death, I often saw Joshua, my friend, and our new leader, who Moses appointed as his successor, sitting on the eastern bank of the Jordan River. He was looking west, across the river into Canaan, to the Promised Land. The east side was harsh, rocky, and dry. It was a desert. But to the west, the Promised Land was beautiful, lush, and full of the land’s bounty, the Lord’s bounty.

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Robert Westheimer Robert Westheimer

About the Author

In retirement, Robert Westheimer felt a strong call to write, with the single purpose of honoring Jesus Christ. With that purpose in mind, he has authored two books, “When God Calls, How Do You Answer” (2015) and “Dangling” (2017).

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